FX rates and margins

Debit Card payments

On this page, you will find information on card-based payment transactions: the applicable exchange rates and currency conversion costs, given as a percentage of the margin on the most up-to-date reference euro exchange rate published by the European Central Bank (ECB).The margin value is given for transactions in EEA currencies made within the EEA.The obligation to present the cost of currency conversion in such a form results from the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2019/518 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2019 amending Regulation (EC) No 924/2009 with regard to certain charges for cross-border payments in the Union and fees for currency conversion.

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Currency calculator

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Information about cross border payment costs in reference to EBC rate

Mastercard rate applied

Bank rate applied

Margin in relation to the current EBC rate

This calculator allows you to calculate the cost of converting a currency transaction made with the use of the Debit Card on the terms described in the Bank Account Terms and Conditions and General Terms and Conditions for Cooperation with Corporate Clients. The calculation results are made using the most recent exchange rates published by the payment organization Mastercard, as well as by the European Central Bank and the Bank's exchange rates. The calculator is informative, and the applied exchange rate and the final cost of the conversion are based on the payment organization's rate on the transaction initiation and the Bank's rate as at the time the transaction is settled on the account. For transactions in European Economic Area currencies within the European Economic Area, the calculator allows you to check the total amount of currency conversion fees as a percentage of the margin against the most recent reference euro exchange rate announced by the European Central Bank (ECB).

Currency conversion mechanism for foreign currency transactions made with a Citicard (except for cash deposits and withdrawals that involve currency conversion at Citi or Citibank ATM) - if the Customer performs transactions using Citicard with currency conversion in a currency other than EUR, GBP, USD , CHF and the transaction is posted to the Personal Account, Foreign Currency Sub-account or Business Account in a currency other than the transaction currency, the first step, the first step is conversion to EUR at the rate of Mastercard applicable as at the time the transaction is made. The second step is conversion from EUR to the currency of the Personal Account, Foreign Currency Sub-account or Business Account of the Citicard at the rate as per the valid FX Rate Table applicable as at the time the transaction is recorded.

Transactions with a Citicard that are made in EUR, GBP, USD or CHF are converted to the currency of the Personal Account, Foreign Currency Sub-account or Business Account of the Citicard at the rate as per the valid FX Rate Table applicable as at the time the transaction is recorded.

Are you going to make a debit card transaction?
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You are going to make transaction in PLN, EUR or CHF

Transactions are converted into the currency of the Personal Account, Foreign Currency Sub-Account or Business Account appropriate for a Citicard kept in a currency other than the transaction currency, at the selling rate compliant with the current Exchange Rate Table at the time the transaction is posted. The Table of Exchange Rates contains information on the reference rate of the European Central Bank and in the column "% deviation from the ECB" there is information on the cost of currency conversion given as a percentage of the Bank's margin in relation to the most recent reference rate announced by the European Central Bank (ECB).

The above description does not apply to transactions made at Citi Handlowy ATMs (see below)

You are going to make transaction in a currency which is different to PLN, EUR, CHF, USD, GBP and this transaction will be booked on EUR account

Transactions in a currency other than PLN, CHF, USD and GBP booked on a Personal Account, Foreign Currency Sub-Account or a Business Account in EUR, are converted from the transaction currency to EUR at the applicable exchange rate of the Mastercard payment organization at the time of initiation of the transaction. The applied rate of the payment organization and the amount of the margin in relation to the current exchange rate of the European Central Bank can be checked after entering the details of the transaction in the calculator below.

Provide detail of transaction

Information about cross border payment costs in reference to EBC rate

Mastercard margin over the average EBC rate

Date of payment network foreign exchange rate update

Payment network foreign exchange rate

Date of ECB reference rate update

Information about cross border payment costs

Transaction amount in your credit card currency including Bank fee

Date of payment network foreign exchange rate update

Payment network foreign exchange rate

Other transactions

(excluding transactions made at Citi Handlowy ATMs - see below)

Transactions in a currency other than PLN, EUR, CHF, USD and GBP booked on a Personal Account, Foreign Currency Sub-Account or a Business Account in a currency other than EUR and other than the transaction currency, in the first step are converted from the transaction currency to EUR at the applicable rate the Mastercard payment organization at the time of the initiation of the transaction. In the second step, the currency is converted from EUR to the currency of the Personal Account, Foreign Currency Sub-Account or Corporate Account appropriate for Citicard at the selling rate compliant with the current Exchange Rate Table at the time of posting the transaction.The applied payment organization rate and the amount of Mastercard's margin in relation to the current exchange rate of the European Central Bank can be checked after entering the transaction details in the calculator below.

Provide detail of transaction

Information about cross border payment costs in reference to EBC rate

Mastercard margin over the average EBC rate

Date of payment network foreign exchange rate update

Mastercard Foreign exchange rate

Date of ECB reference rate update

Information about cross border payment costs

Transaction amount in your credit card currency including Bank fee

Date of payment network foreign exchange rate update

Payment network foreign exchange rate

Below you will find the Bank's rate used to convert transactions from EUR to the currency of the Personal Account, Foreign Currency Sub-Account or Corporate Account appropriate for Citicard and the total margin on the most recent reference rate announced by the European Central Bank (ECB), which is the sum of the percentage of the margin applied by the Bank and Mastercard.

In the first column "currency" find the currency of the account on which the transaction will be settled, and in the last column „% deviation from ECB, sum of Bank’s and MC’s margins” you will find information on the cost of currency conversion given as the total percentage of the Bank's and Mastercard's margin in relation to the most recent reference rate announced by the European Central Bank (ECB).

Counter FX Rates Table EUR

Currency Flaga Symbol ECB fixing Bank Buy % ECB deviation Bank Sell % ECB deviation Average % deviation from ECB
sum of Bank’s and MC’s margins
Swiss Franc CHF
Japanese Yen JPY
Polish Złoty PLN
Czech Koruna CZK
Hungarian Forint HUF
United States Dollar USD
Canadian Dollar CAD
Australian Dollar AUD
British Pound GBP
Norwegian Krone NOK
Danish Krone DKK
Swedish Krone SEK
Croatian Kuna HRK
Russian Ruble RUB
South African Rand ZAR

Transactions made with the use of Citicard at the Bank's ATMs

Table Exchange Rates are determined on the basis of the average Online Rates from 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM on the days when the average exchange rate is announced by the National Bank of Poland. The source of the Online Rates are the current currency buy and sell reference rates published by the Refinitiv agency (formerly Thomson Reuters). Click here to display reference rates.

Are you making a transaction for which one of the currencies is PLN? Check the rate and cost of conversion given as a percentage of the Bank's margin in relation to the most recent reference rate announced by the European Central Bank (ECB) in Table Rates on the day of the transaction.

If you have an Account:

Are you making a transaction for which none of the currencies is PLN? Check the exchange rate and the cost of conversion given as a percentage of the Bank's margin in relation to the most recent reference rate announced by the ECB in the file below
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