Foreign Currency Exchange Rates

Citigold Private Client

Live FX Rates

Best exchange rates 24/h

With Citibank Online you can exchange currencies wherever and whenever you want. Now the exchange rates for transactions of a minimum of USD 1 (or an equivalent in other currency) are updated on an ongoing basis according to market rates (24/h on working days). You will be able to view the updated exchange rate before making any transaction. The updated exchange rate may differ from the rate listed in the table.

Please kindly note that for all transactions made with debit cards issued to your Personal Accounts, the CitiKonto (opened on or before 19.08.2020) table exchange rates are applicable.
For cash withdrawals from Citi or Citibank ATM’s, the exchange rate applied by the Bank on the day of the transaction is applicable. In other cases, the applicable exchange rate will be the one specified in the last Table of Exchange Rates for CitiKonto (opened on or before 19.08.2020) as of the day on which the transaction is booked.

Counter FX Rates Table

Foreign currency exchange rates as of ,

Currency Flaga Symbol ECB fixing Bank Buy % ECB deviation Bank Sell % ECB deviation Average
Swiss Franc CHF
Japanese Yen 100 JPY
Euro EUR
Czech Koruna CZK
Hungarian Forint 100 HUF
United States Dollar USD
Canadian Dollar CAD
Australian Dollar AUD
British Pound GBP
Norwegian Krone NOK
Danish Krone DKK
Swedish Krone SEK
Croatian Kuna HRK
Russian Ruble RUB
South African Rand ZAR

Table Exchange Rates are determined on the basis of the average Online Rates from 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM on the days when the average exchange rate is announced by the National Bank of Poland. The source of the Online Rates are the current currency buy and sell reference rates published by the Refinitiv agency (formerly Thomson Reuters). Click here to display reference rates.

From 11 pm on each Friday to 9:00 am on each Monday the weekend exchange rates shall apply.

For currently applicable exchange rates, please visit Citibank Online or contact us via CitiPhone. The exchange rates below are not applicable to the transactions made with the cards.

The above table is for information purposes only. The provided exchange rates may change during the day. For currently applicable exchange rates, please visit Citibank Online or contact us via CitiPhone.

Please kindly note that for all transactions made with debit cards issued to your Personal Accounts, the CitiKonto (opened on or before 19.08.2020) table exchange rates are applicable.
For cash withdrawals from Citi or Citibank ATM’s, the exchange rate applied by the Bank on the day of the transaction is applicable. In other cases, the applicable exchange rate will be the one specified in the last Table of Exchange Rates for CitiKonto (opened on or before 19.08.2020) as of the day on which the transaction is booked.